Estonia, Financial Services, Legislation, Tourism, Transport, Wages

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Sunday, 22.09.2024, 15:32

Tallink's employees agree to lower wage increase

BC, Tallinn, 22.01.2014.Print version
Representatives of Estonian ferry company Tallink and the trade union of seamen met the State Conciliator Henn Pärn, the both parties softened their demands and stance, however, the compromise has not been reached yet, the Estonian national broadcasting corporation ERR reported referring to E24, cites LETA.

The meeting was quite useful, as representatives of the Estonian Independent Trade Union of Seamen (EMSA) stated.


The seamen agreed to lower rise of wages - by 12.47%, and Tallink offer to increase wages (including bonuses) by an average 9.3%, instead of previously offered 5.5%.


The representatives of Tallink stated that trade unions' heads prolonged discussions on purpose, it was a kind of wise move. As a result, Tallink is able to rise wages of its employees by eight% and pay additional 5% above the salary to the stuff of vessels Star and Superstar during the summer period.


As reported, around 150 people gathered in front of the D-terminal in Port of Tallinn on Thursday last week to demand a higher wage increase from Estonia-based ferry company Tallink. They chanted slogans, held speeches and marched through the terminal. EMSA's head Jüri Lember said that the warning strike sent a clear message to the employer about the determination of the ship crews.


Discussions between EMSA and Tallink last since September, however, the parties have not reached any agreement.

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