Estonia, Legislation, Tourism, Transport, Wages

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Sunday, 22.09.2024, 17:26

Tallink achieves 8.4% wage increase agreement with trade unions

BC, Tallinn, 30.01.2014.Print version
Estonian largest passenger shipping company AS Tallink Grupp and the Independent Trade Union of Estonian Seamen (EMSA) signed on Wednesday an agreement on extending the collective labour agreement, according to which the company will raise the wages of ship crews by an average of 8.4% in 2014, Äripäev Online reports.

The agreement is based on the latest proposal of the Public Conciliator and according to it, the average gross wage of members of ship staff increase by an average of 8.4% from January 1 this year. The new wage rates will be valid till the end of the year.


Wage talks between EMSA and Tallink lasted since September last year. EMSA demanded that the basic wages of all ship crew members grew at least by 15% while the shipping company offered a 5.5% increase.


On January 13, EMSA held a one-hour warning strike to assert its demands.

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