Latvia, Legislation, Markets and Companies, Medicine, Transport

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Monday, 21.10.2024, 09:27

Agreement estimated at EUR 60 mln to be signed to secure ambulances and drivers in Riga

BC, Riga, 05.06.2014.Print version
The Ministry of Health soon will announce a tender to ensure continuity for emergency services, specifically, ambulances and their drivers for the Riga regional center of the State Emergency Medical Services of Latvia, informs LETA.

According to the ministry, the agreement will be signed for seven years and the expenses will not exceed EUR 59.9 million.


Since April 29, 2010, Riga Regional Center's ambulances and drivers have been provided by an external service provider – "Riga Sanitary Transport Depot." Nevertheless, the current agreement ends in April, 2015, therefore, in order to keep the State Emergency Medical Services of Latvia operating, a new procurement is necessary.


At this time, the Service does not have sufficient resources to provide the Riga regional center with adequate vehicles and drivers.


The Ministry of Health will sign a five-year agreement, but plans to extend it to seven years. Ministry officials indicate that it would be economically more beneficial if the period was extended, thus the State Emergency Medical Service of Latvia would receive the best price for these services. Seven years is also the "lifespan" for ambulances before they are replaced.


The Health Ministry still needs the government's permission to extend the agreement, and has already submitted the documents that will be presented in the state secretaries' meeting. After these documents are approved, the tender will be announced.

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