Analytics, Demography, Latvia, Statistics

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Tuesday, 11.03.2025, 12:19

Number of registered marriages continues to fall in Latvia

Ruta Beinare Social Statistics Methodology Section, 19.10.2020.Print version
Data of the Central Statistical Bureau (CSB) show that in the nine months of this year there were 8 694 marriages registered in Latvia, which is 1 865 marriages, or 18% less than in the corresponding period of 2019.

After a seasonal rise in marriages during the summer months, in September this year, the number of marriages fell 44% compared with August. Compared with 2019, when this decrease was 42%, the fall was recorded at a faster rate this year, with 10% fewer marriages registered in September this year than in September last year.

The largest decline in the number of marriages compared to the 2019 data was in May and June, when about 500 fewer marriages were registered each month (a fall of 52% and 37%, respectively). The decline in the number of marriages registered was affected by the declaration of emergency situation in the country due to Covid- 19 pandemic.

Between January and September, 13.5 thousand live births were registered, which is 731 or 5.1% less births than in the first nine months of 2019. There have been minor changes in mortality rates in recent years. This year, 20.6 thousand deaths have been recorded by the end of September, which is 102 or 0.5% less than in January-September last year. In nine months, the population decreased by 7.1 thousand as a result of the natural population change (it decreased by 6.5 thousand in the corresponding period of 2019).

Registration of births, deaths and marriages in September 2020

In September 2020, the number of births registered in the civil status registry offices was 1 489, which is 7.5% less than in the corresponding month last year. The number of registered deaths was 2 173, that is 0.4% more than in September last year.

In September of this year there were 684 deaths more than births.

1 288 marriages were registered in September, which is 147 marriages less than in the corresponding month last year.

On 1 October 2020, the estimated population in Latvia was 1 million 898 thousand.

Provisional indicators of the year 2020, which include data on births, deaths and marriages in breakdown by month, and final data of the year 2019, where monthly data are summarized based on the date of the actual event, were used in comparison of data with the corresponding period last year.

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