EU – Baltic States, Transport, Truck haulage

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Monday, 10.02.2025, 11:12

Baltic states, other countries call on MEPs to amend Mobility Package

BC, Vilnius, 01.07.2020.Print version
Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Cyprus and Malta have issued a joint letter to members of the European Parliament, urging them to amend the Mobility Package regulating the activity of truck drivers, infromed LETA/BNS.

The foreign ministers from the aforementioned countries are calling for the evaluation of consequences for the European Union's common market and environmental protection, Lithuania's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said.

The existing provision will have negative impact on the EU's common market, the EU's climate policy goals and the whole transport sector.

"Unfortunately, the existing proposal has markedly deviated from the initial goals, and new restrictive and disproportionate measures have been introduced. We are calling members of the European Parliament to well consider the proposed restrictive measures, including the requirement for trucks to return to the country of establishment every eight weeks, the cabotage restrictions and the division of international transport," Linkevicius said in a statement.

The EP is scheduled to voted on the Mobility Package on July 8.

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