Banks, Belarus, Book review, Culture, Financial Services, Latvia
International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics
Monday, 10.02.2025, 10:24
A book about Belarusian artists in Latvia published with the support of Rietumu
BC, Riga, 20.05.2020.
Print version

With the support of Rietumu Bank’s Charity Fund, the book “Belarusian Artists in Latvia. 1920–1990” was published by Jumava.
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Its author is Vyachka (Vyachaslau) Tselesh, who is a professional artist and head of the Belarusian Society of Artists of the Baltic states. The book is the result of the author’s long-term in-depth research on Belarusian culture and art, as well as on their interaction with the culture of other countries and peoples.
The author recalls that famous artists such as Napoleon Orda, Kazimir Malevich, Marc Chagall, and Léon Bakst were of Belarusian descent. As for Latvia, outstanding artist Aleksandra Belcova, born in the small Belarusian town of Surazh, lived and worked in the country for many years. D. Godycki Cwirko, who was born in Molodechno, and P. Mironovich got their professional education at the Art Academy of Latvia.
The author emphasises that Belarusian and Latvian artists maintained close personal ties and creative linkages among themselves. This creative synergy continues today, giving rise to fresh ideas and their magnificent implementation.
The book is richly illustrated and contains comprehensive reference material.
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