Energy, Energy Market, Latvia
International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics
Saturday, 21.12.2024, 18:21
Electric power generation in Latvia up 15.1% in two months
Hydropower plants on the Daugava River generated 738,357 MWh of power in the first two months of 2020, which is 3.3 times more than in the same period a year ago, while small hydropower plants generated 22,865 MWh of electric power, which is 2.2 times more than a year ago.
Thermal power stations Rigas TEC-1, Rigas TEC-2, Rigas Siltums, Juglas Jauda and Fortum generated 245,003 MWh of power, which is 2.4 times less than in January-February 2019.
Electric power generation at power plants running on biomass declined 4.4 % on year to 61,279 MWh, combined heat and power plants generated 61,279 MWh of electricity, down 30.7 %, and power plants running on biogas generated 48,962 MWh of electricity, down 14.5 % from the first two months of 2019.
Power generation by Latvia’s wind farms increased by 53.6% on year to 46.246 MWh and solar power stations generated 58 MWh of electricity, up 3.6%.
According to the Augstsprieguma Tikls report, electricity consumption in Latvia declined 3.3% on year to 1,281 GWh in January-February 2020.
In February 2020, Latvia generated 97% of the electric power it consumed during the month, which is an increase of 21 percentage points against the same period last year.
Electricity imports from third countries fell 35.8% on year to 342.104 MWh in January-February this year.
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