Analytics, Baltic, Energy, Energy Market, Latvia
International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics
Monday, 31.03.2025, 09:24
Electric power generation in Latvia down 21% in November

Power generation increased by 38% from October.
In November this year, Latvia's electricity producers generated 460,968 megawatt hours (MWh) of electric power, while electricity consumption in Latvia declined by 0.5% from October 2020 and 2% from November 2019 to 615,738 MWh.
Meanwhile, the Daugava Hydroelectric Power Plant increased electricity generation by 27% against October and dropped by 46% against November 2019. Thermal power plants produced by 75% more electricity against October and dropped by 2% against November 2019.
Power generation by Latvia’s wind farms increased 24% against October and small heat-and-power plants raised output 5% against October and declined 7% against November 2019. Electricity output of biomass-fired power plants rose 6% against October and dropped 6% against November 2019.
Power plants running on biogas generated by 1% less electricity than in October and by 2% rise against last November. Meanwhile, small hydroelectric power plants increased output by 64% against October and declined by 35% compared to a year ago.
Augstsprieguma Tikls is an independent transmission system operator, which operates the electric power transmission network and ensures security of electric power supply in Latvia, as well as fulfills the following mission: providing power transmission services based on the published transmission service tariffs and providing free third-party access to the transmission network. Augstsprieguma Tikls holds operational control of the transmission system and ensures its stable operation.
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