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International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics
Monday, 31.03.2025, 10:09
Countries in Baltic Sea region agree on offshore power grid development

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The intended purpose of the cooperation titled "Baltic Offshore Grid Initiative" is to develop common planning principles for Baltic Sea offshore energy network, enable the consideration of the Baltic Sea offshore grid in the ENTSO-E Ten-Year Network Development Plan and perform studies that support the common vision for the offshore grid in the Baltic Sea region. The initiative should contribute to the CO2 reduction and to the development of an environmentally friendly energy system for the future.
The EU Member States bordering the Baltic Sea signed the Baltic Sea Offshore Wind Joint Declaration of Intent On the 30th of September 2020. The cooperation started by the States envisions commonly planned wind production areas that would enable to maximize the potential of wind as an energy source.
The signing TSOs have recognized that the Baltic Sea region has the potential to make a significant contribution towards green energy policy goals by means of offshore wind development and cross-border electricity transmission. An offshore grid will be part of the solution to harness the potential but lots of radial connections will also be needed.
Study on Baltic offshore wind energy cooperation under BEMIP has analysed the Baltic Sea potential that exceeds 90 GW. The total energy amount that could be produced is 325 TWh/year.
A carbon neutral society in the future can be enabled through closer cross-border cooperation, information exchange and further development of studies for a possible offshore network. Offshore investments are substantial, need comprehensive studies and common understanding and require political support from the European Commission and member state governments.
The TSO-s signing the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for the Baltic Offshore Grid Initiative are Fingrid from Finland, Svenska kraftnät from Sweden, Energinet from Denmark, 50Hertz from Germany, Elering from Estonia, AST from Latvia, Litgrid AB from Lithuania. Statnett from Norway will participate as an observing party.
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