China, Legislation, Lithuania, Markets and Companies, Technology
International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics
Saturday, 14.09.2024, 20:39
LRT: Chinese company collected data about Lithuania’s officials, politicians, their entourage
The leaked database, which the LRT Investigation Team got access to, contained the data on about 2.5 million persons, including at least 500 Lithuanians: former and current politicians, diplomats, public officers, judges, police officers, journalists, businessmen, cultural figures and representatives of the Roman Catholic Church, their first names and surnames as well as personal data.
The majority of information collected about the Lithuanians is available in public. Parts of the database show that information about politicians had been collected since 2000 and updated as recently as in 2017 and 2018.
According to LRT, an Australian cybersecurity company has managed to restore approximately 10 percent of the total database, i.e. approximately 250,000 names.
Zhenhua Data Technology is associated with a Chinese state-owned military research company via shareholders.
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