Baltic States – CIS, EU – Baltic States, Legislation, Lithuania, Markets and Companies, Ukraine
International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics
Friday, 28.03.2025, 20:01
Lidl Lithuania to destroy Salmonella-contaminated eggs from Ukraine
BC, Vilnius, 23.12.2020.
Print version

German-owned retailer Lidl Lietuva will have to destroy 38,400 cartons of chicken eggs delivered from Ukraine, which have been found to be contaminated with Salmonella, the Lithuanian State Food and Veterinary Service said on December 22nd, cites LETA/BNS.
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Latvia’s authorities notified that unsafe eggs had been imported from Ukraine by Latvia-based company Ovostar. Lidl Lietuva purchased a batch of those eggs and sold the product in Lithuania.
The Lithuanian Food and Veterinary Service also tested samples from another batch of Ukrainian eggs but found no Salmonella bacteria.
Overall, the service this year has selected and tested 78 samples of eggs, which have been found free of any contamination.
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