Analytics, Business, Markets and Companies, Modern EU
International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics
Saturday, 14.09.2024, 20:13
Making business fit for the future: deliberations on corporate perspectives
The European Commission considers SMEs and entrepreneurship
in general as a key to ensuring economic growth, innovation, job creation, and
social integration. However, several global challenges have been constantly breaking
the spirit of certainty, hope and trust among entrepreneurs. In particular,
during and after the COVID-19 epidemic tackling these issues would be vital
obligations for the national governance.
More on SMEs in:
Urgent measures
The Commission
has adopted a “Coronavirus Response Investment Initiative” in the direct
support for citizens, jobs and businesses in the amount of € 37 billion to mitigate the impact of the crisis. Besides, for the
first time in the EU’s history, there was a unanimous decision to activate the
general escape clause in the Stability and Growth Pact: it means that the
member states can use all the firepower they have to support citizens and all
kind of businesses during these tough times.
Commission President speech/26.03.2020/ at:
Specifically, the
Commission is fast-tracking and promoting research on COVID-19 by mobilizing: -
€47.5 million for 17 projects for
vaccines and treatment; - €90 million in public and private funds for therapeutics and diagnostics; and - €164
million for SMEs and startups for
innovative solutions to tackle the COVID-19 outbreak.
European efforts to support SMEs
The Commission’s specific
reactions to COVID-19 from the corporate angle would take various forms;
however some general approaches
are already in place. Thus, the following aspects have been within the EU’s efforts
to stimulate positive actions in the states’ entrepreneurship sphere:
= Creating business friendly environment. At the
centre of the Commission's action has been the “Small Business Act for Europe”
(so-called SBA), which included a comprehensive guide the SME policy in the
member states. For example, the SBA promotes the “think small first” principle
and promotes entrepreneurial spirit among the European states’ governance.
Other main SBA priorities are: less regulatory burden, access to finance,
assistance to global markets and internationalization, to name a few.
More on “Small Business Act” in:
= Promoting entrepreneurship. The Commission promotes
entrepreneurship through the Entrepreneurship Action Plan, which is aimed at supporting
entrepreneurship education and providing additional tools for aspiring
More on promoting entrepreneurship in:
= Improving access to new markets. The Commission’s
priority is to ensure that enterprises can rely on a business friendly
environment and make the most out of cross border activities, both within the
EU Single Market and outside the EU.
However, about 25% of the EU-based SMEs (over 5 mln
companies) are involved in export activities and even smaller portion export
beyond the EU.
Besides, the Commission aims to help European businesses
face competition, access foreign markets, and find new business partners
abroad. Going international increases SMEs' performance, enhances
competitiveness, and reinforces sustainable growth.
The Commission has installed a special “business portal”, which
provides a practical guide to doing business in Europe while supplying entrepreneurs
with information and interactive services that help them expand their business
More on “Your Europe Business
Portal” in:
More on SME internationalisation in:
= Facilitating access to finance. Access to finance
is the most pressing issue for many small enterprises. The Commission has been working
on improving the financing environment for SMEs and providing information on
funding: for example, the “Late Payment Directive” strengthens businesses'
rights to prompt payment.
The following financial instruments are used to mitigate
SMEs problems in the states: loans and guarantees, venture capital, business angels,
growth stock markets, crowd funding and fintech/blockchain.
More on access to finance in:
= Supporting SMEs through competitiveness and innovation.
Promoting competitiveness and innovation are key aspects of EU policy in
relation to industry and enterprise, in particular for SMEs. On industrial competitiveness in:;
On general start-up information in:;
On innovation in:
European innovative approach
Fast Track to innovation (FTI) is a fully-bottom-up measure in Horizon 2020
promoting close-to-the-market innovation activities that is open to all types
of participants. FTI aims to reduce the time from idea to market and to
increase the participation in Horizon 2020 of industry, SMEs and first-time
industry applicants.
FTI also aims to nurture trans-disciplinary and cross-sector approaches:
i.e. all innovators are stimulated to cooperate in developing sustainable
innovative solutions. In this sense, modern EU’s business is to become
innovative with the EU’s financial support: EU’ maximum contribution is of €3 mln per proposal
with time-to-grant (from the cut-off to the signature of the grant) of
around 6 months.
More on industrial technologies in:
Proposals for funding must be submitted by consortia comprising between
three and five legal entities established in at least three different EU states
or countries associated to Horizon 2020. Within each consortium there
must either be an allocation of at least 60% of the budget to industry
participants or the consortium must include a minimum of two industry
participants in a consortium of three or four partners, or three industry
participants in a consortium of five partners.
No doubt, innovative approach is important; at the same time modern online trends in corporate activities (instigated by the COVID-19 in the first part of 2020) have shown that all sectors of entrepreneurship are subject to “digital technologies”. In short, the whole entrepreneurship has turned into a “business technology”, including education and training.
Specific support for start-ups and scale-ups
The Commission's 'Start-up and scale-up initiative' aims to
give Europe's many innovative entrepreneurs every opportunity to become world
leading companies. It brings together all the possibilities that the EU already
offers and adds a new focus on venture capital investment, insolvency law,
taxation and more.
More in Commission communication on start-ups and scale-ups:
General link for these issues:;
in particular, on tourism: Eteris E. Tourism
in the World, Europe & the Baltics. In:
Several examples of
tackling the emerging problems have already been visible: e.g. the FXB
association has developed an approach that mixes training, personal and
material support. It also measures its impact and uses the findings from these
evaluations to make appropriate modifications in cooperation with partners,
including the King Baudouin Foundation. More about the project in:
Breaking the spiral
of poverty and despair is the idea of the Belgian FXB association which has
developed an approach that mixes training, personal and material support. It
also measures its impact and uses the findings from these evaluations to make
appropriate modifications in concentration with its partners, including the King
Baudouin Foundation. Bottom line: all eyes on SMEs!
More about the project:
and a newsletter in:
Collaborative economy
The collaborative economy, sometimes called the sharing
economy, covers a great variety of sectors and is rapidly emerging in the EU
states: ranging from sharing houses and car journeys, to domestic services. The
collaborative economy provides new opportunities for citizens and innovative
But it has also created tensions between the new service
providers and existing market operators. The European Commission is looking at
how to encourage the development of new and innovative services, the temporary
use of assets, while ensuring adequate consumer and social protection.
Commission’s information resources on key European support networks and information for SMEs:
= the Your Europe Business Portal is a practical guide to doing business in Europe. It provides entrepreneurs with information and interactive services that help them expand their business abroad;
= the Enterprise Europe Network helps SMEs and entrepreneurs access market information, overcome legal obstacles, and find potential business partners across Europe;
the SME
Internationalisation support page provides information on foreign markets
and helps European business internationalize their activities; and = the single portal
on Access to Finance helps SMEs find finance supported by the EU.
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