Education and Science, Modern EU
International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics
Saturday, 14.09.2024, 19:11
Educational revolution: the needs and solutions
Digital education services have become both apparent and
practically necessary during the “social isolation” forced by the COVID-19,
leading to the creation of universally accessible online courses, seminars and
other contents for students.
Various apps and content are supposed to greatly improve the
education quality and at the same time dramatically change the operational
teaching’s structures; these dynamic trends are at the same time questioning
the age-old university-student connections.
Numerous digital educational tools in a very quick
developing mode are aimed at supporting students’ cognitive development and at
the same time at increasing teachers’ abilities to provide analytical skills.
Never before the students and educators have had such a distant but quite efficient
ways of changing educational landscape with the digital online-education
solutions which are critical to facilitating uninterrupted delivery of teaching
Through smart phones, PCs and tablets the teacher has
entered each student’s home and even a pocket: there is no need to forcefully gathering
students for a lecture or a seminar: he/she can listen the lecture’s
audio-version at any convenient time. For thousand of universities there is no
need to rent a lecture hall, for millions of students there is no anymore need
to drive to a university at a certain time with a great relive for the public
At the same time, the process of making the online lectures
would select the most qualified lectures: those who tried to record their own
lectures know what I am talking about…
The revolutionary part of modern education requires new
approaches to educational premises and venues, as well as to organizational
structure of the educational process. However, not all is clear at present: probably,
the “socializing aspect” of education is at risk: e.g. students’ personal
relations are being jeopardized due to restricted communications; the issue can
be somehow resolved through chats, LinkedIn and other digital means.
Other problems include, for example: scheduling learning, instructions,
control in reasonable balance, choosing learning resources on demand,
nourishing learning ability with e-assessment, etc. All the above mentioned
issues are expressed in a wish that more countries and universities would share
their experience and suggestions to improve students’ active digital learning.
Global efforts have been slowly directed in the right
directions since the end of the last century. However, unfortunately, the
UNESCO’s “Education 2030 Agenda” adopted in 2015 did not provide any guidelines
concerning the distant learning, though most of the goals are serving as a good
reference tool for increasing the education quality.
More in:
In line with the digital technology’s development, UNESCO
launched a global education coalition to support countries in scaling up their
best online learning practices; it established the UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education, IITE in 1997 with
the headquarters in Moscow/Russia; it is the only UNESCO institute that holds a
global mandate for ICT in education. IITE has developed its strategic priority
areas to meet new demands and tasks ahead. The mission of IITE in the new era
is promoting the innovative use of ICT
and serving as facilitator and enabler for achieving Sustainable Development
Goal 4 (SDG 4) through digital solutions and best practices.
More on IITE in:
Additional on SDG-4 teaching in: Eteris E. Teaching
sustainability: modern challenges. – Lambert Acad. Publ., 2019, - 80 pp.
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