Baltic States – CIS, Belarus, Latvia, Lithuania, Transport, Truck haulage
International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics
Wednesday, 06.11.2024, 12:05
Around 300 trucks waiting to cross from Belarus into Latvia
BC, Riga , 25.11.2020.Print version
Around 300 trucks are currently waiting in line on the Belarus side of the border to enter Latvia through the Silene border crossing point, representatives of the State Revenue Service informed LETA, citing information from the State Customs Committee of Belarus.
According to the information provided by the Belarussian customs authority, another 1,000 trucks are queuing at the Belarus-Lithuania border.
The representatives of the State Revenue Service told LETA that renovation works are currently ongoing at the Silene and Paternieki customs checkpoints as a result of which the number of lanes open to traffic in Silene, for instance, has been temporarily reduced from five to two.
The situation is not expected to continue for long, as an agreement has been reached with the builders working at the customs checkpoint that are temporary third lane would be opened to incoming transport.
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