International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics
Monday, 20.01.2025, 03:50
Up to two tons of crude oil spilled on Monday from the loading buoy at the Butinge oil terminal of the Polish-owned Lithuanian oil refining and import company Orlen Lietuva, the Environment Ministry said, based on preliminary data. No oil has been detected on the Baltic Sea coast from Sventoji to Liepaja after Monday's spill at the Butinge crude terminal, the Lithuanian unit of Poland's oil group Orlen said, cites LETA/BNS.
Keyword tags: Energy, Latvia, Lithuania, Oil, Port, Transport
Lithuanian Railways keeps mum on new contract with Belarus' BNK
18.12.2020Following this week's announcement by Belarus' Belorusskaya Neftyanaya Kompaniya (Belarusian Oil Company, BNK) that it is suspending a part of its exports via Klaipeda, it is unclear if Minsk has started carrying out its threat to divert cargoes to other ports, or it is only a temporary decision, writes LETA/BNS.
Belarus' BNK temporarily suspending exports via Klaipeda oil terminal (expanded)
15.12.2020Belarus' Belorusskaya Neftyanaya Kompaniya (Belarusian Oil Company, BNK) is temporarily suspending oil product exports via Klaipedos Nafta's terminal in the Lithuanian seaport of Klaipeda, informs LETA/BNS.
Ventspils port terminals see 39.2% drop in cargo turnover in 11 months
07.12.2020During the first 11 months of 2020, terminals operating at the northwestern Latvian port of Ventspils reloaded 11.835 million tons of cargo, which is a decrease of 39.2% against the respective period a year ago, writes LETA, according to the information published by the Ventspils port.
Klaipedos Nafta gears up for bitumen handling
07.12.2020Lithuania's oil terminal, operated by state-owned company Klaipedos Nafta (Klaipeda Oil, KN), is starting preparing its storage facilities for bitumen handling, informs LETA/BNS.
Shale oil could create EUR 8.2 bln in Estonian wealth in 20 yrs
According to an analysis commissioned by the Estonian Chemical Industry Association and carried out by KPMG, shale oil production could create 8.2 billion euros of national wealth over the next 20 years, of which 7.5 billion euros would be shared between the sector's partners, the public sector, employees and the public, reports LETA/BNS.
Klaipeda came 4th among the ports in the eastern Baltic part in Jan-Oct
The Lithuanian seaport of Klaipeda handled 39.2 million tons of cargo in January through October 2020, a rise of 0.7% year-on-year, informs LETA/BNS.