Analytics, Demography, Latvia, Legislation, Society
International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics
Monday, 10.02.2025, 09:53
The number of births continues to decline in Latvia

In November of this year, 1 332 births were registered in the civil status registry offices, which is 8.4 % less than in the corresponding month last year.
In November of this year there were 1 188 deaths more than births.
In 11 months of this year, 10.1 thousand marriages were registered in Latvia, which is by 17 % less than in the corresponding period of 2019 (12.1 thousand). While in August – October the decrease in the number of marriages compared to such a period in 2019 was relatively small, the number of marriages registered in November decreased much faster - by 23 % compared to November 2019.
517 marriages were registered in November, which is 153 marriages less than in the corresponding month last year.
On 1 December 2020, the estimated population in Latvia was 1 million 896 thousand.
Provisional indicators on the number of deaths in December 2020 will be published on 12 January, other demographics on 20 January.
Methodological explanations
Provisional indicators of the year 2020, which include data on births, deaths and marriages in breakdown by month, and final data of the year 2019, where monthly data are summarized based on the date of the actual event were used in comparison of data with the corresponding period last year.
The data published for 2020 are provisional data showing registration of vital stasistics in civil registry offices, whereas data for 2019 are the final data. The final data of the reference year in breakdown by month are compiled and published at the end of May of the following year.
When publishing annual statistics, monthly data are compiled based on the date of the actual event. The greatest differences may be observed in the birth statistics, as the law provides that child shall be registered with the civil registry office within a month after his/her birth.
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