Book review

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Monday, 31.03.2025, 05:38

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A book about Belarusian artists in Latvia published with the support of Rietumu

A book about Belarusian artists in Latvia published with the support of Rietumu


With the support of Rietumu Bank’s Charity Fund, the book “Belarusian Artists in Latvia. 1920–1990” was published by Jumava.

Keyword tags: Banks, Belarus, Book review, Culture, Financial Services, Latvia

Teaching sustainability: changes in modern education policies

Teaching sustainability: changes in modern education policies


Sustainable development concept has been introduced into the governance vocabulary at the end of 2015, after the adoption of the UN Agenda-2030, the 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) and 169 targets. SDGs are becoming an important part of modern education and training; however, some challenges shall be met as well.

Sustainability’s wademecum: from theory to practice

Sustainability’s wademecum: from theory to practice


Editor’s note: the magazine decides to publish this book review (regardless of its rather old nature), due to two main reasons: first, the book’s author is a world-renowned US professor of economics, leader in sustainable development, senior UN advisor and special advisor to a former UN Secretary-General on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG); second, the reviewer is a German professor and famous European environmentalist.

Latvian science and research policy through a perspective vision

Latvian science and research policy through a perspective vision


Science, research and innovation activities are the main driving force for the Baltic States in general and Latvian economy, in particular. Latvian growth depends on scientific research and knowledge-like smart specialisation. Science’s component in Latvian political economy will in great extent provide a solid background for national innovative growth, while serving as a vital stimulus for active and productive research.

Danish contribution to Latvian independence: a century’s experience

Danish contribution to Latvian independence: a century’s experience


Danish volunteer soldiers took part in the Latvian war for independence: about 200 Danish voluntaries risked their lives (and almost ten times as many were ready to do so) in order to counter international threats to a new Republic. Besides, Denmark rendered a great moral and material assistance showing that Latvia was not alone in the hostile world.


Investigating the future: 21 challenges in the 21st century

In the new book, Yuval Noah Harari investigates most urgent and interesting issues concerning mankind’s future. The book is already a bestseller by the New York Times, as well as his previous Home Deus. In presenting complex contemporary challenges in the most accessible and visionary way, the book makes an essential reading.


Scientific impetus into the Latvian centennial

Latvia has celebrated its centennial and various spheres of Latvian socio-economic activities as well as the country’s scientific community have been making their efforts to commemorate the country’s statehood jubilee. The new book is a good “present” to the event providing a vivid picture of the country’s present challenges and showing some perspective paths for the years to come.


Corporate regulation in Latvia: OECD’s approach

Since Latvia joined the OECD in 2016, this organisation provided the country with various analytical reports concerning some aspects of national growth. New report analysis country’s corporate activity, management and administration, as well as “doing business” issues. The report will serve as valuable guiding source for national authorities to streamline business regulation.


New OECD’s attempt to create universal corporate tax rates

It is well-known that corporate taxation rates vary considerably among countries in the world. However, they are generally lower in countries with higher statutory tax rates (STRs) and effective tax rates (ETRs) are less dispersed across countries than STRs.


A new attempt to revise the European Union

Social sciences’ researchers are constantly writing about critical aspects in the EU’s development. Among frequent “targets” are ineffective decision making, growing bureaucracy, inappropriate EU funds’ aid distribution, etc. Issues of democratic deficit are coming under scrutiny too. A British professor adds fresh facets in “resetting Europe” along more active citizens’ involvement.


National Encyclopedia of Latvia to be issued in October

The printed version of the National Encyclopedia of Latvia will be issued on October 18, while the encyclopedia's online website will launch on December 18, the encyclopedia's editor in chief Valters Scerbinskis told a press conference on March 22nd, informs LETA.


World-wide sustainability policy framework: European approach

First Eurostat monitoring report on SDGs in Europe provides essential evidences to identify the gaps which need to be closed in order to achieve SDGs and to make informed policy choices.


New digital publication presenting the life of women and men in Europe

Our lives are filled with different milestones, such as starting school, leaving the parental home and starting work, getting married, having children, retiring… When it comes to education, employment, careers and earnings, but also childcare, health and nutrition habits, or cultural, sports and internet habits, there are large differences between women and men but also between EU Member States.


Collection of novellas by Latvian writer Blaumanis published in Germany

A collection of novellas by Latvian writer Rudolfs Blaumanis (1863-1908) has been published in Germany by Aisthesis Verlag publishers based in Bielefeld, informs LETA.


Estonia's Milrem and Latvian Institute of International Affairs publish book on unmanned ground vehicles

Estonian military industry company Milrem in cooperation with the Latvian Institute of International Affairs has published a new book, "Digital Infantry Battlefield Solution. Concept of Operations. Part Two", LETA was told at the institute.

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