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International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Saturday, 14.09.2024, 19:07

Latvian startups attract investments worth EUR 13 mln in eight months

BC, Riga, 21.09.2020.Print version
In the first eight months of this year, Latvian startups attracted investments worth EUR 13 mln, said Diana Lace-Davidova, the executive direction of the Latvian association of startups,, in a forum today, referred LETA.

She said that there have been positive trends in the growth of investments, and 2020 will be no exception. Largest investments were attracted by two startups - Lokalise (EUR 5 mln) and Juru (EUR 4.8 mln).

According to data, there are more than 400 startups in Latvia, and 230 of them are active. 35% of startups represent SaaS (software as service) sector, 25% are Fintech companies and 10 percent operate in science technologies or Deeptech sector.

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