Baltic Export, Foodstuff, Good for Business, Latvia, Markets and Companies

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Tuesday, 18.02.2025, 22:37

7% rise in sales volumes of Karums cheese curd snacks in Latvia

BC, Riga, 07.12.2020.Print version
In the first 11 months of 2020, the sales volume of Karums cheese curd snacks in Latvia has increased by 7% compared to the corresponding period last year, the Food Union dairy group informed LETA.

Representatives of the group said that since October there has been a significant increase in the sales of Karums cheese curd snacks, and in November Food Union customers put Karums brand products in their virtual food baskets twice as often as a month earlier.

As reported, Food Union achieved EUR 114.3 million in turnover last year, which was 6% less than the previous year.

Food Union is the largest dairy company in Latvia and the leading ice-cream producer in the Baltic countries. Food Union Group is made up of three largest dairy companies and ice-cream makers in Latvia – Rigas Piena Kombinats, Valmieras Piens, and Rigas Piensaimnieks, Estonia’s largest ice-cream maker Premia, the leading Danish ice-cream producer Premier Is and Danish ice cream distribution company Hjem Is, Norway’s ice-cream company Isbjorn Is, Romanian ice-cream maker Alpin57Lux, and ice-cream company Ingman Ice Cream in Belarus. In 2018 Food Union opened two dairy product and children food plants in China.

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