Covid-19, EU – Baltic States, Latvia, Legislation, Markets and Companies, Medicine

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Friday, 28.03.2025, 19:41

Initially, 4,875 medics to be vaccinated against Covid-19 in Latvia

BC, Riga, 22.12.2020.Print version
Initially, 4,875 medics will be vaccinated against Covid-19 in Latvia, said State Medicines Agency (ZVA) director Svens Henkuzens in a press conference today, informs LETA.

During the first phase of vaccination, Latvia will receive 9,750 vaccines, and will vaccinate 5,875 persons, ensuring two vaccines for each person.

Henkuzens said next deliveries of the vaccines are planned in the coming weeks.

As reported, the first batch of Covid-19 vaccines that will be delivered to Latvia shortly is expected to contain 9,750 doses of the Pfizer-BioNtech vaccine, LETA was told at the State Medicines Agency.

The Health Ministry, meanwhile, has released a vaccine delivery timetable. The first shipment might reach Latvia on December 26. The ministry indicated that the vaccines are stored frozen at minus 75 degrees centigrade.

On the morning of December 28, drug wholesalers would deliver the vaccines to vaccination rooms set up in ten Latvia's hospitals where they can be kept for up to five days.

Inoculation of healthcare workers working with Covid-19 patients in hospitals and employees of the Emergency Medical Service is scheduled to begin on the same day.

Recipe Plus medicines wholesaler has won the tender for delivery of Covid-19 vaccines, National Health Service representative Ainars Lacbergs said in a press conference.

He said that signing of the agreement is still in progress, therefore the price cannot be disclosed yet.

As reported, Recipe Plus last year generated EUR 190.366 million, down 2.5% from a year ago, while the company's profit increased 18.8% to EUR 18.448 million.

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