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International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Sunday, 26.01.2025, 09:33

The watchdog in Latvia sets exit of public media from advertising market as its priority

BC, Riga, 31.07.2020.Print version
The National Electronic Mass Media Council (NEPLP) has set exit of the public media - the Latvian Television, the Latvian Radio and portal - from the advertising market as its main priiority next year, requesting EUR 8.3 million from the state budget for the purpose, LETA learned from NEPLP.


NEPLP on Thursday informed Latvian President Egils Levits on this priority that will strengthen the Latvian media environment.

NEPLP chairman Ivars Abolins said that the council is satisfied that the president shares this opinion. "When we speak about protection of Latvia's information space, we often mention contents created in Russia and the Kremlin propaganda. However, our information space is contents created in Latvia. The public media are the corner stone of Latvia's information space," he said.

NEPLP deputy chairwoman Aurelija Ieva Druviete said that exit from commercial advertising market is a historic decision that will allow public media to create good contents for Latvian residents, fundamentally strengthening Latvia's information space.

In 2018 the Saeima adopted legislative amendments, providing that the public media will exit the advertising market as of January 1, 2021. According to independent auditors, this step will require EUR 13.8 million, of which EUR 5.5 million were allocated this year, and EUR 8.3 million are needed from next year's budget.

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