Advertising, Financial Services, Latvia, Legislation, Markets and Companies

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Thursday, 12.09.2024, 23:35

PM: public service media to leave advertising market in Latvia in 2021

BC, Riga, 02.09.2020.Print version
Public service media - Latvian Television, Latvian Radio and the web portal - will leave the advertising market next year, Prime Minister Krisjanis Karins (New Unity) told journalists on September 2nd, cites LETA.

The Cabinet of Ministers today heard behind closed doors the Finance Ministry's report on additional budget allocations requested by ministries and state institutions for their prioritized activities in 2021.

Karins said that the government expressed commitment to ensuring the exit of the public service media from the advertising market.

Finance Minister Janis Reirs (New Unity) informed that the government approved the the National Electronic Mass Media Council's request for an EUR 8.9 million allocation, of which EUR 8.3 million which will be used to support the public service media as they leave the advertising market.

As reported, the additional budget allocations ministries are seeking for their prioritized initiatives in 2021 reach nearly EUR 2 billion, according to the Finance Ministry's information.

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