Modern EU

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Wednesday, 23.10.2024, 11:25

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"Special” summit to decide some vital issues

"Special” summit to decide some vital issues


This weekends’ first summit under German Presidency in the Council is really extraordinary: two important issues are under discussion: the Multiannual Financial Framework, MFF (the long-term Union’s budget) and the pandemic recovery fund. Besides, it is the first face-to-face-meeting of the EU-27 leaders in almost half a year; the issues are so vital that they couldn’t be made online. Some vision is below…

Keyword tags: Economics, EU – Baltic States, Modern EU

European educational revolution: moving from national to continental dimension

European educational revolution: moving from national to continental dimension


Reforms in education policies and consequential transformation of high schools and universities have to be accelerated to prepare young people for the jobs of tomorrow in a fast-changing society, and decision-makers to be empowered for solutions reflecting modern European and global challenges. The EU’s efforts to create “European universities” represent ideas that would change traditional approaches to a nation-concentrated sphere into a continental one.

Baltic States’ tasks: enhancing responsibility in priorities

Baltic States’ tasks: enhancing responsibility in priorities


All EU states, including those in the Baltic Sea area are facing an urgent task of conducting public debates followed by adopting “post-pandemic” socio-economic policies; the latter have to be responsive to peoples’ needs and be oriented to optimal future growth strategies. Such a task requires adequate analysis of countries’ specific sectoral priorities and re-assessment of the forward-looking political economies…

Financing EU’s agricultural policy and fisheries in the next budget for 2021-27

Financing EU’s agricultural policy and fisheries in the next budget for 2021-27


The European common agricultural policy, CAP is strategically important in ensuring food supply and product’s security in the EU. An adequate financial support for CAP in general (with € 391 billion) as well as for rural and agricultural sectors is vital for achieving the green growth and sustainable agricultural production and fisheries.

European rescue plan and solidarity

European rescue plan and solidarity


The new financial supplement to the rescue plan with €750 bn and a long-term €1.1 trillion for 2021-27 will be discussed on 19 June. It seems that nationalism dominates over solidarity, as differences in approaches are to large...


Managing COVID-19: additional support for science and innovation

To succeed against the coronavirus, the states must see the socio-economic aspects and the most optimal ways in using available funds, explore modern technological solutions, first of all to monitor the spread of diseases and provide a better care for patients. These means, secondly, use of numerous digital solutions and technologies’ applications, e.g. telemedicine, open data, AI, robotics, and photonics.


Support for Latvian farmers

European Commission has approved Latvian scheme to support companies active in the primary agricultural production sector affected by the coronavirus outbreak in a volume of €1.5 million. Now it is the competence of Latvian authorities to evenly distribute the allowed support for most needed. In this way the EU assists the states in national support measures to mitigate the economic impact of the present crisis in a coordinated way, in line with EU rules.


Modernising the EU’s legislation: Commission’s initiative

The European Commission has launched the Fit for Future Platform, F4F as the high-level expert group, which will help the Commission to simplify existing EU laws and reduce administrative burden for citizens and businesses. It will also help ensure that the EU legislation remains future-proof and tackling numerous new global and European challenges.


Learning by good examples

While Latvian authorities are trying to find to mitigate post-virus’ consequences, Turiba University arranged an online conference on perspective Latvian growth patterns. Taking Singapore as an example (widely known as “the Asian’s tiger”, which during about 50 years turned from a “third country” to a leading global economy), the participants wondered what can be done to emulate a positive path to progress.


Modern science: providing a viable remedy for the post-pandemic period

At the present turbulent times and afterwards, affected by the corona virus, the unprecedented approaches and decision-making in all spheres of socio-economic growth are needed. Scientific community is the only valuable resource in EU and the Baltic States to help the governments in formulating optimal answers to new visions in changing policies, governing structures, businesses and universities.


The Commission and EIF invest in states’ entrepreneurship

Commission and European Investment Fund (part of EIB Group) unlock €1 bn in finance guarantees for 100 thousand SMEs. This will allow providing liquidity in the states in the amount of about €8 bn.


Educational revolution: the needs and solutions

Working online has inspired the education community to reassess the teacher’s role in delivering knowledge and secure student’s analytical skills. Education process has been changed since the widespread digital facilities entered students and teachers’ environment. The age-old education systems are facing dramatic challenges, a sort of “educational revolution”.


Making business fit for the future: deliberations on corporate perspectives

SMEs are the backbone of the member states’ economies: they represent over 95 percent of all entrepreneurship’s activities (about two-thirds of the total employment in the private sector) and create about 85 per cent of new jobs. However, recently SMEs have been under severe stress; besides, most of them are “turning digital” – the process entails several problems to be resolved.


Commission’s approval for Latvian loan and subsidies for SMEs

In mitigating negative effects to the member states economy, the governments are facing numerous challenges: disruption of supply chains, lower consumer demand, production deficiencies, as well as decrease in investment and liquidity constraints for undertakings. The Commission has approved Latvian loan guarantee scheme and subsidize for companies affected by coronavirus outbreak.


Cultural and creative sector: exploring financial support

Cultural and creative sector, including SMEs, remains poorly exploited and at risk, European Commission acknowledges. Great and important cultural sector’s potentials in all EU states require some support: hence, modern European guarantee’s program is aimed at providing support. The Baltic cultural sphere shall be more active in acquiring these funds.

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